About Us

Helping people
get more business

Backed with vast experience and fully up to date skills set, at Enuke Software offer the best in class E-Prescription solution

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Our Mission

Graphs displaying your performance for metrics like follower evolution,

Our Mission

Graphs displaying your performance for metrics like follower evolution,


Working hours


Working hours


Projects done


Projects done

Perfect Solution For Your Business

Graphs displaying your performance for metrics like follower evolution, average rate per post and reach and impressions to give you the insights.

Grow Your Business

Take us wherever you go so that you know what’s going on with your money at all times.

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Grow Your Business

Take us wherever you go so that you know what’s going on with your money at all times.

Get Started

Grow Your Business

Take us wherever you go so that you know what’s going on with your money at all times.

Get Started

Our Dedicated Team members

CEO & Founder

CEO & Founder

Jenny Wilson

Product Manager

Robert Fox

Co Product Manager

Cody Fisher

Senior Designer

Guy Hawkins

3d Animator

Savannah Nguyen

Marketing Head

What Our Customer are Saying

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